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3 goals for 2020

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This month marks not only the beginning of a new year, but the start of a new decade! As we shift into 2020, the timing is prime to set some goals and go after them fearlessly! Here are a few potential goals for you to strive for in the new year. These can make a happier you and a happier world!

Cultivate Gratitude

We can often get so caught up in reaching for what's next or wanting for something more that we forget everything wonderful we already have. A great technique for practicing gratitude is writing down (or jotting in your phone notes) three things you are grateful for each day. Building up your list over time changes your mind from a place of wanting, to a place of acceptance and contentment. There is so much for us to be grateful for in our day to day lives. Recognizing that often is a key to happiness. 

Make Less Waste

We all know that we're in a bit of an earthly crisis as far as how much waste we're producing. This goes for trash, plastic, etc. A few ways to make less waste are to reduce your use of single use plastics like water bottles, utensils, baggies, and packaging. You can bring your own containers and bags to grocery stores. Try to buy things without much packaging. You can also buy clothes second hand to help reduce your carbon footprint! These are small and simple ways to not contribute to the growing problem of waste.

Get out into Nature

When we get to breathe in fresh air, feel wind or sun on our skin and interact with plant and animal life, we are happier and more relaxed. Being in nature is grounding and deeply fulfilling in a way that being in your house or office behind a screen never can be. Nature gives us life and reminds us that we are a small part of an interconnected web of being. So take a hike in the mountains, a walk in the park or a swim in the nearest lake. Even walking around your neighborhood is an option if you live in the city. Get some fresh air outside and watch how much better you feel.

What are some of your personal goals for 2020? Please share with us in the comments! 

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