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Ways to Stay Motivated During Dance Competition Season

Ways to Stay Motivated During Dance Competition Season

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When dance competition season begins, it’s easy to let training completely take over your life. Whether it’s working on your first-ever solo, spending extra hours in the gym to stay fit, or constantly reviewing choreography, dance can quickly take up all of your energy.

However, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance so you can stay motivated and energized during competition season. This ensures you don’t fall into a dance slump and that you and your team have a great experience. Here are three tips to help you stay motivated during dance competition season.

Acknowledge Your Progress

Take some time to reflect on the progress you’ve made in preparing for your upcoming dance competition. Whether you’ve finally nailed a triple pirouette or finessed the timing on your solo, recognize and appreciate your progress. Equally as important is to recognize the effort that you’ve made over the past few months. You’ve worked hard, so give yourself some praise.


After a long day at the studio, Pilates class, or working out, take time to rest your body and your mind. This means limiting screen time or opting for a night in rather than a night out. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep each day, as this keeps your mind and body sharp.

You may also want to schedule a full day off from the studio to have some fun or just to relax. Give your mind and your muscles the time they need to recover. Enjoy a spa day with your friends, get some extra sleep, or treat yourself to new dancewear. Just taking the time to laugh or vent some of your frustrations from the week can help you relieve stress.

Eat Right

While it’s easy—and convenient—to grab something from a vending machine or fast-food restaurant, this is not the best food to eat before a dance competition. Unhealthy food can leave you feeling fatigued or uncomfortably full, making you a little less “light on your feet.” Here are some healthier options that will keep you fueled and energized before dancing.

  • Oatmeal: This is one of the best foods to eat before a dance competition as it’s incredibly nutritious and a good source of carbs and fiber. You can also top it with various foods, including chopped walnuts, bananas, or skim milk.
  • Whole wheat bread: Whole wheat toast can keep you feeling full for longer since it’s loaded with carbs. And by topping it with avocado or a poached egg, you’ll get extra protein and vitamins.
  • Trail mix: On days where you need to grab and go, trail mix is a great choice. It usually contains a variety of high-protein options that promote muscle health, immune health, and more.
  • Greek yogurt: If you need food to bring to a dance competition, Greek yogurt is perfect. It contains twice the amount of proteins of normal yogurt and is an excellent source of calcium. 
  • Granola bars: Another great grab-and-go option is granola bars. Whether it’s a KIND bar or a Clif bar, granola can help to improve heart health and keep your blood sugar under control.
  • Water: Carbonated drinks, coffee, or energy drinks are good for providing short-term energy, but they’re high in sugar and usually lead to an energy crash. Try to drink at least two liters of water per day to keep yourself hydrated and energized.

Get Inspired From Others

If you’re finding yourself in a bit of a slump, why not check out what some of your favorite dancers are up to? Drawing inspiration from some of your role models is a great way to keep yourself going during a long day of competing. Jo + Jax features incredible dancers on our Instagram and Tik Tok that can help keep you motivated to put your best foot forward.

Enjoy Competition Season in Style with Jo+Jax Dancewear

Whether your season is still a few weeks away or already in full swing, the tips above can help you stay focused and motivated. Another great tip to keep yourself excited about dance: invest in great dancewear. Jo+Jax Dancewear has all the dance and activewear you need to stay energized both during and after dance competitions. Shop our selection of innovative and comfortable dancewear here.

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