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5 ways to stay healthy this winter

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Winter is commonly known as cold and flu season because during the holidays, it's easy for us to feel run down and tired, which makes us more prone to sickness or even just an overall feeling of ickyiness. It's easier for us to get sick, but it's also easy to prevent some of the winter cold n' cough. Here are five suggestions to help you stay healthy this winter.

Drink (More) Water

You think you're drinking enough? Drink more! This is kind of a "duh, of course" suggestion, but it's true that the more water you drink, the healthier you are. Water allows your joints, your muscles, your digestion and your circulation to flow more freely. It helps to flush toxins and nasty viral attacks from your system. Try drinking it at room temp, or hot with a squeeze of lemon to mix it up. 

Limit Sugar

Although it can be really hard with all the temptation around holiday sweets, sugar actually makes it harder for your body to fight off disease. It is especially bad for you if you’re already feeling ill. So limit your sugar intake and skip it completely if you’re already coming down with a cold. Replace with Vitamin B, C and D (all vitamins that can be found at your local health food store) to help keep your immune system shining. 

3. Get Enough Sleep

Get some really good rest this winter! It's natural for us to want to hibernate and rest in winter, and this is biological! It helps us store energy and maintain health. So going to bed early, taking naps, and doing low impact activity is ideal for this time of year. Go slow and get some bonafied rest to keep you feeling in tip top health.

4. Take Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been known for it's properties to boost immunity. It is also what we get naturally from the sun, but in winter months the sun can be less frequent. Taking Vitamin D each day will help support your bodies natural ability to fight off disease. 

5. Think Happy Thoughts

While this can’t necessarily stop you from being exposed to the cold or the flu, it is shown through research that happier and more positive people with a zest for life typically have stronger immunity. Thinking positive, feeling gratitude, and treating yourself and others with kindness has actual effects on your health! So think happy thoughts to banish the winter blues.

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