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JJ girl Jenna Petty on going to college

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Jenna Petty is a renowned competitive dancer from Charlotte, NC and ambassador for Jo+Jax!  Currently a senior in high school, she’s searching around for her ideal college experience, and feeling things out along the way. We had a few moments to talk with Jenna about her college plans, how they are intertwined with dance and what advice she has for other juniors and seniors scouting out the perfect college.

JJ: Jenna, what are you looking forward to in college?


Jenna: I am looking forward to “major oriented studies” because I will be spending my time learning about things that truly motivate and inspire me. I am looking forward to making new friends as well! I can’t wait to make new connections with people and see how we can positively impact each others lives.


JJ: Sounds exciting! Where will you be studying?


Jenna: I am undecided as of now. Still in the application process.


JJ: Are you going to major or minor in dance?  Tell us about your major!


Jenna: It truly depends on the school. I also have a deep interest for a major in Fashion and Textile Management (Brand Management and Marketing). With this major I would minor in entrepreneurship. If I major in dance I would double major in Business with a concentration along the lines of Management or Marketing.


JJ: So, are you thinking about dance team and competing on college?


Jenna: Yes, I would love to be part of a dance team because it would be a new and very different experience for me, which is what I am looking for in college. I want to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. Dance team would be useful to keep up my training and make new friends!


JJ: And what are you most looking forward to learning while in college?


Jenna: I am looking forward to being independent, but I am also nervous because I will need to be more responsible and not rely on my parents as much. I am definitely looking forward to learning more about my interests and how to be successful in my area of study.


JJ: It’s healthy to know your boundaries and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.  Are you staying close to home or will you be far?  What influenced this decision?


Jenna: Right now I am leaning towards staying on the east coast for college and hopefully traveling to New York frequently to take advantage of all of the opportunities there.


JJ: Lastly, what advice do you have for high school juniors and seniors when considering colleges?


Jenna: My advice is to try your hardest not to fear change because the idea of change can become very frightening as a senior. Also, continue to work hard and manage your time wisely because these will be busy years! Lastly, follow your heart and do what will make you happiest. Be sure to think through all scenarios when entering college search. 


Thank you, Jenna, for your wise and candid response!  We truly value your talent, insight and professionalism as an ambassador at Jo+Jax. 

Are you a senior searching for the perfect college?  Tell us your plans below! 

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