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Overcoming Stage Fright [5 Tips]

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Let’s talk about overcoming stage fright...

While some people are natural-born performers who live for the spotlight, many people are terrified of performing (even more specifically, public speaking.)  If you've ever frozen on stage or been so overcome with anxiety that you don't even want to go out there, we have some tips for you.

Here are some ways to help you overcome (your perfectly normal) stage fright:

Deep breathing, relaxation, yoga

Creating your own personal relaxation routine will help to calm you down before you take the stage. Listen to a guided meditation or calm, soothing music in your headphones while getting ready.  Combine with slow, methodical stretches or yoga poses while you warm up.  This will get you in a more relaxed state of body and mind.

Visualize Success

The power of our imaginations is infinite! If you are able to visualize a successful, rewarding, feel-good performance, you're much more likely to have one.

Focus on what you love about the experience you’re having

We naturally tend to focus our thoughts on what we don't like or what we think can be improved.  Especially when fear comes in, it's easy to be blinded by it, or feel like that's all that there is.  Try and focus your thoughts on what you love about dance, and really dive into those feelings.  The fear will start to melt away and you will be able to feel joy in presence in your movement!

Practice and Prepare

There is no better way to feel prepared for your performance than to practice as much as you need to know your choreography.  Not being sure of what you're physically doing out there combined with the fear of "messing up" only enhances the anxiety of dancers who are prone to stage fright.  Prepare, practice and prepare again.  You'll have that much more confidence when you take the stage.

Think of your audience as friends and family (and people who want to see you do well and succeed)

Imagine your audience as all rooting for you, wanting you to do and be your best.  They're there to be entertained, and you're there to show them your passion for dance.  The audience is rooting for you, imagine them cheering you on!


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