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Workout Inspiration

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It's a new year and we are ready to fire it up with a new work out routine! Here's to staying happy, healthy and looking fabulous in 2020! And here is some work out inspiration for the new year! 

Stepping out of your box

Taking a class that is not dance or is not in your normal routine can really vamp up your work out routine. You can choose from yoga, pilates, barre, boxing, swimming or spin; simply doing something new will work your brain and your body in different and fresh ways. Some muscles we simply don't activate all the way through dance, and our bodies become accustomed to the movement. Trying a new exercise class and mode of moving is an excellent way to stay in shape and keep your work outs exciting!

Exercising at home while you watch Netflix, Hulu, etc...

Netflix and chill? Nah, Netflix and flex!! Working out while watching your favorite show is an awesome way to stay fit without hardly realizing you're working out. You can do an entire workout routine: lift weights for arms and back, planks, mountain climbers and bicycles for abs, squats and lunges for legs and glutes; all while catching up on whatever show you love! This is a great alternative for going to the gym or for rainy day schedules.

Participating in an Event

Having a solid goal to work towards is always motivating when we're working out. Look around for local runs, walks, or exercising events in your area and begin to train for them. This gives you a time frame and an ideal to work towards. When the day arrives, you'll be happy that you are prepared, fit and ready to rock.

What is your personal workout inspo for 2020? Share with us in the comments! 

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